July 23, 2023

This is one of the first songs I ever wrote. God sent it to me right after a period of great distress followed by relief and joy.


v. 1 I have to write a thank-you song for all you’ve done for me. I couldn’t see the way before, but now it’s clear, I’m free! The gifts that you have given me were right here all along, but Lord I couldn’t see them till they seemed to be all gone.

Chorus: Thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You. Thank You, thank You, oh thank You, thank You, Lord.

v. 2 Thank You, Lord, for all your gifts, for all the hardships, too. Thank You for the mystery of love that pulls us through. Thank You for the children who remind us who we are: small and weak and needful of your loving, tender care. Chorus.

v. 3 It’s when the world is darkest we begin to see Your light, and when the path is steepest we must keep you in our sight. And I don’t care how long it takes, or what I have to do. I know that I must follow You and lead on others, too. Chorus.

v.4 You know that I can’t promise You I’ll always burn so bright. My flame will often flicker in the power of the night. But You have given friends in Christ to help me tend the flame, and when we come together, we stand firm in Your name. Chorus.