Born and raised in Minneapolis, I (Faith Singer, aka Holly Puett) now live in a small town in Pennsylvania.  I have one daughter who lives in Pittsburgh.

My faith journey ranges from Roman Catholic, to agnosticism, to several Christian churches, and finally back home to the Roman Catholic church.  I have an M.Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (where I felt at home) and even briefly served as a pastor in two Presbyterian churches (which was an utter failure). It’s quite a saga, but too long to include here.

My music background ranges from a B.A. in piano, an M.M. in choral conducting, and stints of teaching and conducting in various venues.  My favorite music activity is to share in house concerts a variety of songs I have written.  I have finished one CD, “Make Me Your Melody,” which is on sale on this blog.  Another is in the making, featuring both sacred and secular (largely social protest and love) songs.

What about the purpose of this blog? The musings share ideas that I hope will help people think about various questions or issues. “Come, now, and let us reason together, says the Lord,” (Is 1:18) is the blog’s motto.  The songs, I hope, will both entertain and increase people’s faith.  But mostly, I believe I was simply given these musings and songs to share, with no outside agenda.

May God bless all readers of and listeners to this blog!