• Premise #1 : A man does wrong because he was wronged as a child.  Observation: Seems true, based on much experience and a great deal of psychological research. On the other hand, if a man has an abusive father (for example) he may learn to beat his own children in turn both by example, as well as inheriting a tendency to violence.
  • Premise #2: A man does wrong because he inherited undesirable traits. Observation: Not as popular as #1 these days.  But demonstrably true in cases of genetic predisposition to mental illness, alcoholism, etc.
  • Premise #3: Like #2 with this variation:  A man does wrong because he has inherited a disposition to sin all the way back to his first ancestors.  Everyone on earth, throughout all history, back to Adam and Eve, has this disposition. It is unavoidable.

Observation: Seems to be true, based on non-progress of human race. History has shown we never seem to advance to being “better” people. We always were rebels and we’ll always stay rebels.


  • #1 can be cured to some extent through therapy and drugs.
  • #2 can be cured to some extent through therapy and drugs.
  • #1, 2, and 3 can be cured completely only by God, through baptism, and by faith conversion.  There are numerous stories in Christian literature of gang members, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. leaving their ruinous lifestyles once they give their lives to God.  For example, the most successful of alcohol and drug addiction programs are AA and Al-anon, in which members give their lives over to a Higher Power.

I believe that the human race does not progress: we are just as vicious and violent and selfish as the generations that have gone before us.  Our sins may take different forms, but they are still present. Supposed “civilization” is just a veneer.

However, I also believe that God can work for good in history through people who work to nurture His Kingdom on earth. “Civilization” can and has been penetrated by Godly people.

There is hope! Give God a try!