Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

          Dear God, You made dogs, so it’s a puzzle to me.

Well, dear readers, consider dogs.

          Truly, think about it.

          Look at a Pomeranian next to a Great Dane.  One’s a tiny ball of long-haired fluff, the other’s a noble giant with a sleek coat. They don’t look at all like each other; so how could they both be dogs? But we all know without a doubt that they are. (And they know it too!)

          How do we know? St. Bernards, Dachshunds, Shih Tzus, German Shepherds, Chihuahuas, Great Pyrenees. Some have pointed muzzles, others’ faces are smashed in. Some have tails, others don’t. Some ears are pointed, others hang down. Some bark deeply, others yip. Some sport hair that grows to the ground, others barely have a coat at all.

          When you see a cat, you certainly know it’s a cat.  All cats look like they’re related to one another. Even big cats – lions and tigers – resemble their small, domesticated relatives.

          My concordance tells me that dogs are rarely mentioned in the Bible, and when they are, it’s generally pejorative. The only appearance of a helpful canine, which is pretty humorous when you think about it, is the dog who accompanies Tobias on his trip to recover his father’s treasure and “coincidentally” find a bride. It seems the pooch is an adjunct to the angel Raphael, who is Tobias’s guide. (Tobit 6:2; 11:4) One wonders what the dog contributes to the trip. (Incidentally – or perhaps importantly? – the Codex Sinaiticus reads “the Lord” for “the dog” in Tobit 11:4.)

          I have evidence in some instances in my life that You, Lord, do indeed have a sense of humor…but I can’t remember them!

          An animal that is definitely funny in the Bible is Balaam’s donkey, who is wiser than Balaam and speaks to him: “And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?….Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden all your life to this day? Have I ever been accustomed to do so to You?’” Then Balaam saw an angel in his way, with a drawn sword – the donkey saved Balaam’s life! (Num 23:28-30)

          Anyway, I am convinced that You, Lord, have a sense of humor.  I hope some readers write to me about their own experiences of Your humor!