
Lyrics: It’s a digital world with no escape; screens blinking everywhere; idols all fake. Staring in a darkened room, the screen holds us captive. Image after image, faster than eye can see. On the world-wide web and Facebook, everyone knows everything, but after you’ve logged on, everything knows you, too. Ads and spam no warning, […]

Social Media – warning!

Social Media – Warning! Dearest Father in Heaven, I am so worried about the latest developments in computer technology.  It seems we have created a new Tower of Babel, building our tech to levels higher and higher – so high we are losing control of the process of building.  It is Frankenstein time. Did You […]

Is Our God an Angry God?

Is Our God an Angry God?           Dear Lord,           At different times and in different denominations, You are portrayed differently – sometimes a God of fury and rage who sentences most people to a fiery afterlife, sometimes as a loving, forgiving Father.  Below, I will try to see which is true. Once I had […]

Speak No Ill of the Dead?

Speak no Ill of the Dead? Latin: De mortuis nil nisi bonum. English: Of the dead, nothing but good. Dear God,           Is it true that we should speak no ill of the dead? It’s an old convention.  Does that mean it’s from You? I became interested in the saying while reading copious mystery novels […]