Faith Healing

Faith Healing Dearest Lord Jesus, I know You could heal while on earth and I know You can heal now. Some people perpetrate fake healings, but there are many true ones. However, first I want to quote some excerpts of stories of death by fear – the opposite of faith healing. This past Friday, DanielleGoldberg, […]

Free Slave

This song was written in response to a sermon I heard at a Messianic Jewish church some time back. The sermon was based on Exodus 21:5, in which a slave loves his master so much that he decides to stay with him rather than go free. He stands up against the lintel of a door […]

Can God Change the Past?

Can God Change the Past? “God does not play dice.” – Albert Einstein Heavenly Father,           I believe You are everywhere and can do anything.  Many (most?) scientists do not believe that.  But I see a connection between modern theories in physics and the kind of God I perceive you to be. I cannot pretend […]

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?           Dear God, You made dogs, so it’s a puzzle to me. Well, dear readers, consider dogs.           Truly, think about it.           Look at a Pomeranian next to a Great Dane.  One’s a tiny ball of long-haired fluff, the other’s a noble giant with a sleek coat. […]

Angels and Gravity

I wrote this song several years before my previous post, “Is Everything Easy for God?” The song is related to the post in that it was some photos of colorful nebulae that inspired both. The song is meant to be a celebration of God’s glory as reflected in His enormous universe. Lyrics: Chorus: God has […]