Nature vs Nurture vs Original Sin

Observation: Seems to be true, based on non-progress of human race. History has shown we never seem to advance to being “better” people. We always were rebels and we’ll always stay rebels. Solutions/Conclusions I believe that the human race does not progress: we are just as vicious and violent and selfish as the generations that have gone before us.  Our sins may take different forms, but they are still present.

Music According to Plato and Einstein

          Dear God, You have given us the gift of music since the beginning of human history. Only You know what those ancient melodies were like and how they were used. Below I am musing about why music is so powerful.           I ponder the power of music in the Old Testament where David was recruited to play the harp for King Saul to soothe his mind.  We still use

Make Me Your Melody

I once had a teacher who, when I was nervous to perform, told me that the music comes from God and we are only an instrument to communicate it to the audience. Not being a believer at the time, I dismissed the idea. But now I know she was right, and I wrote a song about it in 2009. Lyrics: Chorus: Sing through me, speak through me, make me your

Where is the Kingdom?

Where is the Kingdom?           Dear Jesus, You said so many things about the Kingdom of God, which You often called the Kingdom of Heaven.  Some of Your sayings seem simple, others are hard to understand.  But all of them are hopeful.  I want to write down a few for readers who may not remember: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” Mt 4:17; 10:7 “For theirs is


Surveillance Dear Father in Heaven,           Surely You created us to be in communication with You.  You desire to know our inward thoughts and feelings, for our personal good and the good of Your Kingdom on earth.  You share Your own thoughts with us in order to nurture our character.  But do You want each of us to crawl into the minds of one another? To be able to read


Lyrics: It’s a digital world with no escape; screens blinking everywhere; idols all fake. Staring in a darkened room, the screen holds us captive. Image after image, faster than eye can see. On the world-wide web and Facebook, everyone knows everything, but after you’ve logged on, everything knows you, too. Ads and spam no warning, flash before our eyes. Porn springs up unwanted, doctored pictures lie. I-phones, I-pads, Instagram, Twitter,

Social Media – warning!

Social Media – Warning! Dearest Father in Heaven, I am so worried about the latest developments in computer technology.  It seems we have created a new Tower of Babel, building our tech to levels higher and higher – so high we are losing control of the process of building.  It is Frankenstein time. Did You ever know we would ascend to these heights (or descend into the abyss)? Please help

Is Our God an Angry God?

Is Our God an Angry God?           Dear Lord,           At different times and in different denominations, You are portrayed differently – sometimes a God of fury and rage who sentences most people to a fiery afterlife, sometimes as a loving, forgiving Father.  Below, I will try to see which is true. Once I had a dream.  I was in a dirty, stinky basement, with an old woman and a

Speak No Ill of the Dead?

Speak no Ill of the Dead? Latin: De mortuis nil nisi bonum. English: Of the dead, nothing but good. Dear God,           Is it true that we should speak no ill of the dead? It’s an old convention.  Does that mean it’s from You? I became interested in the saying while reading copious mystery novels where “de mortuis” was frequently invoked – though universally not followed.  Apparently, the saying originated

Faith Healing

Faith Healing Dearest Lord Jesus, I know You could heal while on earth and I know You can heal now. Some people perpetrate fake healings, but there are many true ones. However, first I want to quote some excerpts of stories of death by fear – the opposite of faith healing. This past Friday, DanielleGoldberg, a 26-year-old Staten Island woman, was riding in her building’s elevator up to her sixth-floor

Free Slave

This song was written in response to a sermon I heard at a Messianic Jewish church some time back. The sermon was based on Exodus 21:5, in which a slave loves his master so much that he decides to stay with him rather than go free. He stands up against the lintel of a door and allows the master to pierce his ear with a nail. After the sermon, the

Can God Change the Past?

Can God Change the Past? “God does not play dice.” – Albert Einstein Heavenly Father,           I believe You are everywhere and can do anything.  Many (most?) scientists do not believe that.  But I see a connection between modern theories in physics and the kind of God I perceive you to be. I cannot pretend to understand the theories at all well, but I have done my best.  I hope

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?           Dear God, You made dogs, so it’s a puzzle to me. Well, dear readers, consider dogs.           Truly, think about it.           Look at a Pomeranian next to a Great Dane.  One’s a tiny ball of long-haired fluff, the other’s a noble giant with a sleek coat. They don’t look at all like each other; so how could they both be dogs?

Angels and Gravity

I wrote this song several years before my previous post, “Is Everything Easy for God?” The song is related to the post in that it was some photos of colorful nebulae that inspired both. The song is meant to be a celebration of God’s glory as reflected in His enormous universe. Lyrics: Chorus: God has made room for us, snug in the firmament, held close by forces unseen yet real.

Is Everything Easy for God?

July 24, 2023 Is Everything Easy for God? Father God, In the opening scene of the wonderful musical, Children of Eden, the stage is in semi-darkness when a deep, basso profundo voice intones:  “Let….there….be….”  Then the lights surge up, and the whole cast sings out: “Light!” This is just what happens in the book of Genesis; You create the world through speech! (Gen 1:3) To most of us, at first

Thank You Song

July 23, 2023 This is one of the first songs I ever wrote. God sent it to me right after a period of great distress followed by relief and joy. Lyrics: v. 1 I have to write a thank-you song for all you’ve done for me. I couldn’t see the way before, but now it’s clear, I’m free! The gifts that you have given me were right here all along,

Bloom Where You are Planted

Bloom Where You are Planted – July 23, 2023 Precious Lord, ”Bloom where you are planted” was a favorite saying of my High School French teacher.  It means not constantly striving to have a better situation:  a better house, a better car, a better spouse. It means being content in your present circumstances. I’m sure it’s a favorite saying of Yours, too.  (Although not appearing in these words in Holy

Be All You Can Be

“Be All You Can Be” July 9, 2023 Our Father in Heaven, When I was in seminary, our ethics class took tours of various places of work.  At the steel plant, I asked a question of the foreman: “If you were to go to church, what would you like to hear a sermon about?” His immediate answer was, “Quality.” That was his daily life – striving to roll out products